Feed Your Soul

Justice (Bible Tag 11) #52slowstitchbibletags justice

There is nothing more important to me in life than truth. An injustice happened to me recently caused by lies. I lost all the funds I put into an account for 23 years for my retirement. I fought a year-long legal battle, and I lost; I was in the...

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Spiritual Light (Bible Tag 10)

The first act in the creation of our world came with God’s words, “Let there be light.” The light was natural, physical light. Its creation was an instant victory because it dispelled the darkness. Light and darkness in the Bible...

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Protection (Bible Tag 9)

When I am anxious or experiencing adversity, I want to run away.  In Psalm 55:6, David echoes my feelings: "That I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” I want to go to a place I feel protected and at peace. A place...

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Bible Journal Class Schedule & Coupons schedule

Many of us have completed the 12 Bible Eras this month. What to do next?  Click through each class to read descriptions, watch videos and apply coupons. 

Use the coupon code FALL2022 to receive 30% off. 

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The Shema (Bible Tag 8) #52slowstitchbibletags freebie

Download the free printable (6 verses) below.

Shema means hear or listen. However, shema has a far broader and more profound meaning than "to detect sound." It incorporates various concepts like listening, paying attention, and acting on what...

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God's Promises (Bible Tag 7) #52slowstitchbibletags god's promises

Free rainbow pattern download below.

God is wholly holy. He never changes. Because He is faithful, we can trust Him and His promises without wavering. We all need the comfort of God's promises as reminders that God is with us, ready to meet our...

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Holiness (Bible Tag 6) #52slowstitchbibletags bible lesson free pdf freebie holiness lesson

There are two freebies below. 

Everything about God is holy, including His wisdom, power, judgments, and love. If His love was not holy, He would not have sent His only Son to suffer for the world's sins and to meet the reasonable demands of...

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Walk by Faith Freebie freebie

Download the Walk by Faith Freebie below.

Join us! We are Bible Journaling through the Bible in a year—12 Eras in 12 months! We will spend 30 days with Paul during the Missions Era in September as we create Treasure Journal Pages!


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Hope (Bible Tag 5) #52slowstitchbibletags bible lesson hope

Hope is a specific promise, whereas faith is fulfilling that promise. Faith is the manifestation of hope.  

Visualize a ship anchored in the water. Water symbolizes a sea of people drifting through life. The ship on the water...

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Faith (Bible Tag 4) #52slowstitchbibletags bible lesson faith freebie

Faith is a vast topic. James' remarks regarding those who doubt reveal the significance of faith in the Christian life; they should anticipate nothing from the Lord until they ask in faith, without doubting (James 1:6).

Faith is generated by...

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Grace (Bible Tag 3) #52slowstitchbibletags bible lesson grace

Regardless of how much humans sin, God's grace is greater.

The word grace appears in the Bible for the first time in connection to Noah. "However, Noah discovered grace [chen] in the sight of the Lord" (Gen. 6:8). As a result, he was spared from...

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Spiritual Strength (Bible Tag 2) #52slowstitchbibletags bible lesson freebie strength

The majority of the 264 times the Hebrew word for "strong" is used in the Old Testament refers to spiritual strength—the strength of the Lord. Strength is the inner resolve or physical ability to complete an endeavor, affect an outcome,...

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