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Patriarchal Era Bible Journal Class 

Each of the 17 lessons of Genesis 12-50 focuses on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Discover God's desire for a connection with man,...

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Suffering (Bible Tag 25)

We all experience sufferings in this life. Romans 5:3-5 shows us how God uses this pain to build our endurance and character if we let him.

We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces...

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Obedience (Bible Tag 24) obedience obey

Our love for Christ will be demonstrated by obeying Him and carrying out His will for our lives (John 15:10). This obedience is motivated by neither a desire for reward nor a fear of punishment. It is simply a love response to everything our...

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Wisdom (Bible Tag Prompt 23) #52slowstitchbibletags

Happy New Year! What better way to begin 2023 than asking our Father for wisdom? I've been sick this week and unable to work on my tags. I spent some time in bed trying to talk myself into getting up to work on a tag and I wisely decide to...

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Bible Journaling Through the Bible with 12 Bible Eras in 2023! 

In this Live...

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Bible Journal Through 2023 with 12 Bible Eras: Webinar & Coupon 12 bible eras coupon

Bible Journal Through the Year Chronologically with 12 Bible Eras

On January 1, 2023 we begin the 12 Bible Era Classes studying one Bible Era Era each month. Receive access to a new class every month (with or without a kit depending on...

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The Incarnation (Bible Tag 22)

The incarnation is when God became flesh, that God assumed a human nature and became a man in the form ofJesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and the second person of the Trinity. 

In the incarnation, the all-powerful, eternal God becomes...

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Torn Over Christmas

Do you observe Christmas differently now compared to how you observed it when you were a child? Do you observe it at all? Did you know Christmas has pagan roots? Does that bother you?

Don’t get nervous. I’m not going to tell you what...

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Waiting on God & Freebie (Bible Tag 21) #52slowstitchbibletags god's timing waiting on god

God's timing is always perfect. But we insist on doing things in our timing. Is it any surprise that we are stressed out? Our world is tearing apart, families are broken, friendships are severed, and 17% of American women are on...

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Abiding in Christ (Bible Tag 20)

Jesus first used the parable of the Vine to speak the phrase "Abide in me" This parable, provides the best and most complete illustration the union to which He invites us.

The word abide is like no other. Jesus command us to abide in...

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Knowing God & Freebie (Bible Tag 19) #52slowstitchbibletags freebie know knowing god

Many people have a wrong perception of God. They see God as an angry old man with a lightening bolt ready to zap them and see Jesus, kind and caring full of love. 

God is not only knowable, but He desires to be known. Every attribute of...

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Freebies: A Savior is Born Mini Kit & Dec Bible Prompts blogtrain december daily free pdf freebie memory dex cards

Get into the holiday spirit and explore the wonderful world of Bible journaling this December! From free, printable downloads to engaging digital classes, this freebie is designed for you. Learn new techniques, expand your crafting...

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