Feed Your Soul

July Freebie & Renew Your Mind Class bible journaling freebie renew your mind class

Download the July Freebie at the bottom of this page. See the Memory Dex Card Templates here. 

30-Days to Renew Your Mind Class 

Join us on July 1 for the 30 Days to Renew Your Mind class. Share your creations in our Bible Journal...

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Bible Journaling Freebie and Prompts bible journaling freebie prompts

This month's freebie includes:

Bible Journaling...

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Call Upon the Lord Freebie bible journaling freebie memory dex card prayer

Praying on behalf of others is a vital aspect of the Christian faith. James 5:16 emphasizes the significance of this practice, urging believers to confess their sins to one another and pray for each other that they may be healed. This verse...

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Tips for Organizing Bible Journal Pages bible journaling discernment

Imagine your Bible journaling pages are like the kitchen gadgets in your home. You know, the kind that makes whipping up a meal or finding the right spice a breeze because everything's exactly where it should be. Like when you've got those drawers...

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How Often Do You Think About the Roman Empire? ancient rome bible journaling culture of bible times how often do you think about the roman empire? paul's journey's roman empire

There is a TikTok trend where women ask the men in their lives (fathers, husband or boyfriends), “How often to you think about the Roman Empire?” The woman are shocked that so many men think about this period several times a week. Why?...

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July Bible Journal Class and Freebie bible journal cla bible journaling freebie

Summertime Freebie Mini Kit

Download the freebie at the bottom of this page. 

July Exile Era Bible Journal Class

On July 1, we begin the Exile Era Class. It is an important message to all believers. The prophet Jeremiah tells the...

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Freebie & Patriarchal Era Bible Journal Class bible journaling freebie patriarch class

Homeschool Summit is Coming Soon!

Sign up free here.


Patriarchal Era Bible Journal Class 

Each of the 17 lessons of Genesis 12-50 focuses on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Discover God's desire for a connection with man,...

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Be Thankful Freebie & Coupon bible journal class bible journaling freebie who i am in christ

Download the Be Thankful kit at the bottom of this post.

30% Off Coupons

Use the coupon code FALL2022 to receive 30% off:

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Desire + Disipline = Delight bible journaling delight

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4


"Desire" means to long for, deeply want (like Hannah desiring a child).  Desire is the launching pad to prayer. Desire is the catalyst...

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STOP: Do Not Bible Journal Until You Read this bible journaling bible study tools the heart of bible journaling

The video above is an introduction to the Bible by Bible Project (used by permission).

Were you like me when you first heard about Bible journaling?

I was THRILLED!  I could craft and read the Bible! What can better? I knew I was not...

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Feburary Blog Train Freebies 12 bible eras bible journaling blog train download freebie

See links at the bottom of this page. Download the Bible Journal Classes freebie then jump aboard the blog train for matching freebies from over a dozen blogs. 

Ongoing Bible Journal CLasses

Would you like to join our Bible journal...

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Exodus Era Bible Journal Freebie bible journal class bible journaling cut files exodus free digital pngs free pdf freebie moses stickers treasure journal
I hope this freebie encourages you to Bible journal in Exodus—what a thrilling, encouraging book! As the freebie word art says, "Don't give up; Moses was a basket case!" 
I want to do whatever I can to motivate you to...
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