Topical Studies

by Robin Sampson McCarthy

Renew Your Mind

NEW Class:  Recognize your mind as the spiritual battlefield. Learn to capture thoughts and renew your thinking through biblical mindfulness and practical faith-based strategies.

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Get Wisdom

True wisdom begins with an understanding and reverence for God. In these thirty-one life-changing lessons, you'll learn about...

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Sow and Reap

Spending a lot of time pruning, weeding, and observing the garden of your heart and the hearts of people is not in vain. Learn to...

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Developing Discernment

Understanding who you are and who God really is will have a life-changing impact on how you think and feel. Learn to recog...

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Who I am in Christ

Find your entire, perfect, and worthwhile self beneath the layers of social media expectations, roles you play, and mes...

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Sermon on the Mount

This class includes in-depth lessons on the Sermon on the Mount focusing on the character of Christian discipleship.

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WWJD Social Media

Examine Bible passages to see how Jesus would respond on social media. With new possibilities come new potential proble...

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Titles of Christ

Jesus name is more powerful than anything in Heaven and Earth. We know him as Jesus, but he was born with the Hebrew name...

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Names of God

Studying God's names, the fullness of who he is, his character and ways, leads to a healthy view of God and how he feels about his...

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God's Promises

The promises God gives to man are divine promises are absolutely trustworthy because the one who gives them is totally able to...

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Hearing God

Wouldn't it be great if we could call God on the phone or text and have a conversation with him? What method do you use to...

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