Feed Your Soul

Handling Passover Criticism biblical holidays passover

I encountered skepticism and hostility while discussing the significance of Christians observing Passover in an online group. I've realized the depth of misconceptions surrounding this ancient tradition. I aimed to shed light on Jesus' profound...

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God and Women: Book Review proverbs31 women

God and Women

God and Women by Dr. John Garr is a must-read for every Christian! This new book brings biblical severe and historical scholarship to bear on the role of women in family, society, and church in an analysis of God’s...

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Bible Women: Why a Hebraic Perspective?

In "A Hebrew Perspective on Bible Women," Robin Sampson embarks on a captivating journey through the lives of extraordinary women who have left an indelible mark on the tapestry of biblical history. Sampson sheds light on their pivotal roles in...

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Bible Journal Benefits: Art of Spiritual Growth bible journal writing to learn

Bible journaling, a practice rich in creativity and spiritual exploration, offers a unique way to engage with God's Word. It allows us to capture our spiritual journey through traditional and digital means. This guide aims to shed light on the...

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Be Anxious for Nothing Blog Post with Free Download anxiety freebie

Anxiety often feels like being lost in a dense, dark forest, where unseen branches brush against you in the dim light. It's where you find yourself constantly on edge, caught between the fear of perpetual threats hiding behind every tree and the...

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Christians Coping with an Estranged Adult Child

The most profound and heart-wrenching loss in our human journey is the severance of the bond between a parent and a child. There exists no greater sorrow, no deeper chasm of pain, than this devastating rupture.

Imagine a mother dealing with this...

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8 Benefits of Digital Bible Journaling digital digital bible journaling

In an era where technology has seamlessly integrated into nearly every aspect of our lives, Bible journaling has also found a new expression in the digital realm. Much like the transition from traditional scrapbooking to digital scrapbooking,...

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Powerful Bible Journal Verse Mapping

Forget everything you thought you knew about studying the Bible! Verse mapping brings a fresh twist to digging into God's Word that takes things to the next level. Instead of just reading verses and maybe jotting a few quick thoughts, get ready to...

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What is a Treasure Journal?

Bible journaling puts a fresh spin on the old "junk journal" concept. Let's call it what it really is - a Treasure Journal! Because when you take time to reflect on scripture and record your thoughts prayerfully, you're capturing true gems. Those...

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Tips for Organizing Bible Journal Pages bible journaling discernment

Imagine your Bible journaling pages are like the kitchen gadgets in your home. You know, the kind that makes whipping up a meal or finding the right spice a breeze because everything's exactly where it should be. Like when you've got those drawers...

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Spiritual Lessons from My Heart Surgery heart holy spirit

I had open heart surgery to address a blockage in my left main coronary artery at the age of 51. Statistics indicate fewer than 3% of individuals requiring this surgery are under 54. My blockage was called the "Widow Maker" due to its...

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New Freebie, 50% Off Bible Journal Class & Kit bible journal freebie patriarch class

Access the charming "Spring Dreams Bible Journal" freebie, featuring delightful floral designs, an inspiring verse, and a cute girl with flower balloon, available at the end of this post.

Thank You for Praying

On January 24, my son David...

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