Feed Your Soul

God’s Design for Women bible women class women

A recent TikTok trend caught my attention: wives asking their husbands to make coffee and recording their responses. It all started when one man’s harsh reply went viral, prompting women everywhere to test their own husbands’...

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The Biblical View of the Tradwife equal rights amendment era feminine energy proverbs 31 tradwife women

The "tradwife" (traditional wife) movement celebrates women who embrace traditional roles, valuing homemaking, family care, and nurturing relationships. It stands as a counter-cultural response to modern feminist ideologies, emphasizing the...

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God and Women: Book Review proverbs31 women

God and Women

God and Women by Dr. John Garr is a must-read for every Christian! This new book brings biblical severe and historical scholarship to bear on the role of women in family, society, and church in an analysis of God’s...

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