Restoration (Bible Tag 13)

#52slowstitchbibletags freebie restore trials

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And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10

This week, I'm suffering a lot of physical pain, my biggest goal each day is to get into a tub of epson salts for relief and praying Jeremiah 30:17.  I've also been resting and reading First Peter for encouragement (watch the video above). 

Peter does not pray for his readers to be delivered from their trials; rather, he prays for them to triumph over them! How often do believers pray for others to be delivered from trials while neglecting to pray for their own faith to grow and endure the trial? How often do Christians pray for the removal of a trial from their lives when they should be asking how they can glorify God through it?

When we are suffering, we often feel as though our pain will never end. Peter gave these faithful Christians the wider perspective. In comparison with eternity, their suffering would last only a little while. This repeats what Peter said in 1:6. Some of Peter’s readers would be strengthened and delivered in their own lifetimes; others would be released from their suffering through death. After that time of suffering, God promises:

  • To restore (set right what has gone wrong, put in order, complete)
  • To support (by admonition and guidance)
  • To strengthen (give courage, no matter what happens)
  • To establish (place them on a firm foundation, build on a “rock,” therefore becoming unmovable).

While their suffering will be brief, their glory in Christ will be eternal. God's purposes will be accomplished in life or in death, and his promises to believers will be fulfilled because believers have been called into God's eternal glory. God called—this was his idea. He will follow through on his promise because all power is his forever and ever.


Suffering and pain are opportunities to demonstrate your faith in God. Giving your circumstances to God, even thanking him for them, is a special kind of praise. When suffering strikes, remember that God is sovereign and can bring good out of any situation. As Christians, we can accept adversity and be drawn closer to God through it. If you turn to him, joy will rise from the ashes.

The apostle Paul knew Christ, but he wanted to know him more intimately. He longed to share in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. He said,

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Philippians 3:10

Sharing his sufferings—what does that mean? What were Christ’s sufferings?

Deeper than Physical Pain

The movie, “The Passion,” is known for the bloody portrayal of Jesus’ crucifixion. I believe the horrible physical torture Christ went through was minor, compared to his heart sufferings. The real agony was in the rejection.

Jesus loved more than any human could ever love, yet he was rejected and denied by family and friends. Being rejected and misunderstood can hurt deeper than any physical sufferings.

Hurt People Hurt People

We are human, with frailties and periods of suffering. Friends and family should be our comfort, but because of their own weaknesses and failures, they can be the source of our pain as well. Friends and family may reject, criticize, or hurt us in some ways, but God will never forsake his children.

Facing the difficulties and pain of a "valley" experience can help us to mature spiritually. It doesn’t feel beneficial when we’re experiencing the pain, but if we allow it, we can make discoveries about ourselves and come through the pain stronger.

We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

When our life is shaken, we learn what forms our faith. We have the opportunity to learn real dependence upon God as a result. 

Bible Tag Prompt

As you stitch this week focus on the Holy Spirit being our strength, encouragement, and constant companion. When we rely on him, he will heal our wounds and let us experience renewed intimacy that will sustain us through the valley. Include a feather stitch in your stitching.

Helpful Links

My Week 12 Tag

Forgiveness and a Lazy Daisy.


All Bible Tag Prompts to Date

  1. Love and a heart
  2. Strength with some lace
  3. Grace and denim denim
  4. Faith with a flower
  5. Hope use five fabrics
  6. Holy add a button
  7. Promise with a rainbow
  8. Shema and a yoyo
  9. Protection and seed stitching
  10. Light and couching
  11. Justice and French knots
  12. Forgiveness and Lazy Daisy stitches
  13. Restoration and Feather stitches

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Video Credit

The Bible Project videos are added to enhance the lessons and used with permission. Bible project offers these videos free on Youtube and at